switch statement - PHP: 2 switches don't interact well with each other -
i can't make both switches work, it's either 1 or other. on page list.php, there's table gets members "t_leden". if user clicks on of links, sorts (id, name, address, etc.) it sorting alright until added new switch show men/women/etc. now, can show men , women, can't sort anymore. i'm clueless. this sql: -- phpmyadmin sql dump -- version 3.3.9 -- http://www.phpmyadmin.net -- -- machine: localhost -- genereertijd: 23 feb 2011 om 10:58 -- serverversie: 5.5.8 -- php-versie: 5.3.5 set sql_mode="no_auto_value_on_zero"; -- -- database: `db_school` -- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- tabelstructuur voor tabel `t_leden` -- create table if not exists `t_leden` ( `d_index` int(11) not null auto_increment, `d_naam` varchar(255) not null, `d_voornaam` varchar(255) not null, `d_adres` varchar(255) not null, `d_peter` varchar(255) not null, `d_lid` varchar(255) not null, `d_geslacht` enum('man...