html5 - Textures in CANVAS 2D Context -

just starting experiment filling canvas, , i'm trying apply texture object (the blobs blob example - example using 2d context, , doesn't appear implementing webgl. information on texturing find uses webgl, , wondering how easy accomplish feat. there anyway incorporate texturing features of webgl canvas without rewriting code? summed up, guess question asking whether or not methods available 2d context available webgl context... if suppose change context , apply texture? if i'm thinking wrong or confused conceptually, please let me know.

thanks, brandon

i've experimented drawing image 2d canvas before using texture webgl canvas. works, performance horrible (it varies browser browser). i'm considering few other options refactoring it. wouldn't recommend more statically drawing image 1 or 2 2d canvases.

you can see example of craziness in lanyard/src/render/surfacetilerenderer.js in project at:


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