installer - NSIS CreateShortCut: Shortcuts order on Start menu -

i using nsis create installer 1 of apps, , using code create shortcuts on start menu:

;create start-menu items   createdirectory "$smprograms\myfolder"   createshortcut "$smprograms\myfolder\app.lnk" "$instdir\app.exe" "" "$instdir\app.exe" 0   createshortcut "$smprograms\myfolder\uninstall.lnk" "$instdir\uninstall.exe" "" "$instdir\uninstall.exe" 0 

it works, uninstaller shortcut on start menu > myfolder appears before app.exe shortcut.

is there way control order of shortcuts?

usually installation order ignored, windows arranges them automatically. in older windows versions start menu has context menu option ordering them alphabetically, newer versions order them automatically.


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