jsp - <c:import> getting old (probably cached) html content -

i hitting url in jsp thru tag:
<'c:import url="${pagecontext.request.scheme}://${pagecontext.request.servername}:${pagecontext.request.serverport}/${pagecontext.request.contextpath}/html/temp.html" var="content" />

i getting html content properly. now, change html content temp.html jsp rendering old html content. instead, if make direct call http://servername.com/html/temp.html, newly modified content.

the htmls hosted on akamai servers , i've made sure akamai cache getting refreshed.

any clue why happen? there other kind of proxy/server cache retrieving old content?

thanks, narain

try adding query string random value. e.g. timestamp.

<jsp:usebean id="now" class="java.util.date" />  <c:import url="/${pagecontext.request.contextpath}/html/temp.html?${now.time}" var="content" /> 

note stripped unnecessary noise url.


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