ruby on rails - Trouble on routing Racks -

i using ruby on rails 3 , route urls rack middlewares. is, if user try browse @ http://<my_site_name>.com/api/user/1 system should consider run before rack file , proceed in request.

i have rack::api:user located in lib/rack/api/user folder.

from ror official documentation discovered this:

     mount rack-based application used within application.         mount somerackapp, :at => "some_route"       alternatively:         mount(somerackapp => "some_route")       mounted applications come routing helpers access them.      these named after class specified, above example      helper either +some_rack_app_path+ or +some_rack_app_url+.      customize helper's name, use +:as+ option:         mount(somerackapp => "some_route", :as => "exciting")       generate +exciting_path+ , +exciting_url+ helpers      can used navigate mounted app. 

in routers.rb file tryed

mount "rack::api::user", :at => "/api/user/1" # => argumenterror missing :action  scope "/api/user/1"   mount "rack::api::user" end # => nomethoderror undefined method `find' "rack::api::user 

i tryed

match '/api/user/1' => rack::api::user # => routing error no route matches "/api/user/1"  match '/api/user/1', :to => rack::api::user # argumenterror missing :controller 

but no 1 works.


my rack file this:

  module api     class user        def initialize(app)         @app = app       end        def call(env)         if env["path_info"] =~ /^\/api\/user\/i           ...         else          end       end     end  end 

assuming you're require-ing rack app somewhere in bootup process, in initializer (keep in mind files lib not automatically loaded anymore unless write code so! see this answer more), try mounting without quotes. example, instead of:

mount "rack::api::user", :at => "/api/user/1" 


mount rack::api::user, :at => "/api/user/1" 


here link changes made basic rails application demonstrates both autoloading , mounting rack application:

[update 2]

ah, see you're saying now. want middleware. i've updated code @ above url implement application middleware. config/initializers/rack.rb file loads , inserts middleware. hope you're looking for!


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