class - Need help with Classes in Python -

i'm making program imports custom widget class (it inherits tkinter frame widget). works great until binding. reduce confusion we'll call main application app, module it's importing widget lib, , widget that's being imported app called cwid.

basically need somehow reference function in app, may bound widget in lib.

the function i'm trying bind widget within cwid element_click (the function element_click in app.):

lambda event: element_click(event, elementinfo[3]) 

so binding in lib (element canvas widget within cwid)

element.bind('<buttonrelease-1>', lambda event: element_click(event, elementinfo[3])) 

the above line wont work seeing element_click in app. tried work around doesn't seem working.

import app  loc = app.eog  element.bind('<buttonrelease-1>', lambda event: loc.element_click( event, elementinfo[3])) 

when try above following error:

typeerror: unbound method element_click() must called eog instance first argument (got event instance instead) 

eog class in app contains element_click.

also, of above bits of code snippets.


tried loc = app.eog(), , go following error:

attributeerror: eog instance has no attribute '__nonzero__' 

i think want:

loc = app.eog() 

then, loc instance of eog, , loc.element_click bound method, works intended.


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