C++ Using pointers to template objects -

i have class named abc has class template:

template <class t> class abc{} 

in class trying store of objects abc in list:

class cde{ private:   list<abc *> some_list;  } 

i intend store objects of abc might have different class template parameters. necessary specify template pointer @ compile time? if container supposed store objects of different type? not possible?

is necessary specify template pointer @ compile time ?


what if container supposed store objects of different type ? not possible ?

it not (directly) possible.

there no such thing class abc. there instantiations of abc, such abc<foo> , abc<bar>. these different classes.

you can like:

template<typename t> class abc : public abc_base {   ... }  list<abc_base*> some_list; 

by doing this, of abc instantiations have common base type, , can use base pointer arbitrarily.


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