performance - Session optimization in Jetty + Wicket -

is there way swap sessions onto disk jetty if idle n.n. minutes?

it under investigation, suspect have many idle users logged in large session size. so, while doing nothing, session pushed onto disk.

is there setting or utility or way achieve this?

we using wicket+jetty. 

simply shortening session destroy timeout not option.

assuming you're running jetty 7, answer yes.

because it's possible configure & run jetty in multiple ways, it's pretty hard give definitive answer how turn on in scenario.

the outcome want call "setidlesaveperiod" on "hashsessionmanager" non-zero value (the number of seconds session should idle before pushed disk)

if you're running server default jetty.xml you'll need add (untested):

<configure class="org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.webappcontext">   .   .   .   <set name="sessionhandler">     <new class="org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.sessionhandler">       <arg>         <new class="org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.hashsessionmanager">           <set name="storedirectory">your/chosen/directory/goes/here</set>           <set name="idlesaveperiod">300</set>         </new>       </arg>     </new>   </set>   .   .   . </configure> 


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