ipad - Could not load NIB in bundle: 'NSBundle' -

what error listed below?

2011-02-23 21:24:12.218 success[7238:207] * terminating app due uncaught exception 'nsinternalinconsistencyexception', reason: 'could not load nib in bundle: 'nsbundle </users/jimkillen12/library/application support/iphone simulator/4.2/applications/baa5e0e7-af12-4301-a4f8-1b9797c9e82d/success.app> (loaded)' name 'mainwindow-ipad''

one of nib file missing project, add required nib file:

in build phases

  1. expand copy bundle resources
  2. click + @ bottom
  3. add required nib file.

clean build shift+cmd+k, run.

p.s. make sure use exact spelling of nib file while calling initwithnibname:@"viewnamecontroller" probably, have named nib in call lowercase letters or may have included extension .xib not required.


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