Twitter oAuth login cancel? -

i use twitter login in application. if user login, works fine. need handle, when user click cancel button in twitter oauth login screen instead of login. there callback mechanism when user click cancel button?

for web application, if redirect user twitter authorization , user clicks on deny, he/she has option go application or not.

if user didn't log in twitter account, or closed tab or went different url. won't know, unless keep track of users , check if he/she gone longer specified time.

authorization denied

in case, if user clicks on ublogthis! link, he/she redirected application via callbackurl specified when getting request token and! http variable denied included:

so then, got out $_get['denied'] if using php example.

if instead open popup window show user twitter authorization page via javascript, can check if popup closed without callback url being initiated. can add timer judge if user went way.


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