Split string with inner and outer delimeters in Javascript -

in javascript code, have string this:


i want return array this:

["1","9","4","3","15","4","3","67","1", 2","32"] 

that is, want separate every character, except numbers inside brackets, want preserve 1 element.

is there elegant way this?

var str = '1943[15]43[67]12[32]',     matches = str.match(/\d|\[\d+\]/g);  (var = 0, matcheslength = matches.length; < matcheslength; i++) {     matches[i] = matches[i].replace(/\d/g, ''); };  console.log(matches); // ["1", "9", "4", "3", "15", "4", "3", "67", "1", "2", "32"] 



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