python - Int Object Is Not Iterable -

i have come across problem don't know how resolve involving dijkstra's algorithm - here code:

infinity = 1000000 invalid_node = -1 #startnode = 0  class node:     distfromsource = infinity     previous = invalid_node     visited = false  def populatenodetable():      nodetable = []      f = open("twodarray.txt", "r")      line in f.readlines(): #get number of nodes file        nodetable.append(line.split(','))   # create matrix of weights       numnodes = len(nodetable)            # count nodes       print numnodes      #for nodes in text file, set visited false, distfromsource infinity & predecessor none      **for in numnodes:          nodetable.append(node(i))**         #nodetable.append(node())       nodetable[startnode].distfromsource = 0      print nodetable  if __name__ == "__main__":     populatearray()     populatenodetable() 

when run code following error:

    traceback (most recent call last):   file "", line 63, in <module>     populatenodetable()   file "", line 18, in populatenodetable     in numnodes: typeerror: 'int' object not iterable 

i not sure how rectify error (the section between asterix) - trying read text file series of integers separated commas, , count number of nodes within text file each node assigned values in node class

try this:

for in nodetable: 

why trying iterate on numnodes? defined 1 line above length of table.

but appending same table in loop doesn't make sense. , not work code reads file. node class isn't usable @ ...


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