Mootools 1.11 and 1.2.4 conflict, Ajax.Form -

i'm trying use mootools ajax.form, , able make successful test installation this:

only if downgraded mootools script 1.11. rest of stuff on site, i've been using 1.2.4.

i'm guessing there's conflict issue going on...but wasn't sure how fix this? did searching ajax.form see if else had problem, far have been unsuccessful.

any appreciated. thank you!

the difference element.send shortcut changed it's signature between 1.11 , 1.2.x
new signature no longer accepts request options part of .send method, url accepted (to allow overriding url get/post on each request).

with new api, have use set method on form element set send options this:'myform').set({   send: {     onrequest: function() { /* here */ },     oncomplete: function() { /* else */ }   } }); 

you can see full example on how use element.send method on following fiddle:

you can refer official docs see current element.send signature, , request object docs see available options can pass in set method. notice in case of forms, url, method , data parameters default form element has set in html.


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