maven 3 Failed to read artifact descriptor for -

i upgrade netbeans 7 uses embeded maven 3. have project lot of modules , modules containing other modules. other submodules don't depend on internal projects work fine same configuration. in case, spring-hibernate depends on domain 1 of submodules , fails.

my main project has this

<modelversion>4.0.0</modelversion>  <artifactid>spring</artifactid> <packaging>pom</packaging>  <groupid>${masterproject.groupid}</groupid> <version>${masterproject.version}</version> 

my submodule has following def

<modelversion>4.0.0</modelversion> <parent>     <artifactid>spring</artifactid>     <groupid>${masterproject.groupid}</groupid>     <version>${masterproject.version}</version> </parent>  <artifactid>spring-hibernate</artifactid> <packaging>pom</packaging>  <dependency>         <groupid>${masterproject.groupid}</groupid>         <artifactid>domain</artifactid> </dependency> 

i using following ${masterproject.groupid}, ${masterproject.version} because don't want put static value in submodules each 1 contains parent. not sure if cause of problem.

all of works fine maven 2. maven 3 following error msg

failed read artifact descriptor com.merc:domain:jar:1.0-snapshot: failure find ${masterproject.groupid}:mavenmasterproject:pom:${masterproject.version} in cached in local repository, resolution not reattempted until update interval of com.springsource.repository.bundles.release has elapsed or updates forced -> [help 1] 

i had in eclipse , did fixed it(even though command line build worked)

  1. delete directory in .m2/repostiory/....
  2. rerun update dependencies in ide

mvn command line worked while ide didn't, once ran in ide both worked..very weird.

as option, restarting eclipse seemed well


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