javascript - js function not working on IE8 -

i have div , on mouseover show ice:menupop function:

function firecontextmenu(element, event) {    if (element.getattribute('oncontextmenu')) {       element.oncontextmenu = new function ('event', element.getattribute('oncontextmenu'));       element.oncontextmenu(event);    } } 

calling like:

onmouseover="firecontextmenu(this, event);" 

on chrome working perfect on ie not appears. suppose it's wrong in js or ie8 not support hover of div?


no longer use js function use directly value of oncontextmenu.

for case:

onmouseover=", 'frmmainmenu:menupopupcbm_sub', 'frmmainmenu:divmenupopupcbm');return false;" 


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