javascript - Chrome-only cross-domain scripting errs in Facebook iFrame App upon FB.Login(..) -

in google chrome (i'm on 9.0.597.98) facebook iframe app using graph api/javascript sdk tends throw following 2 javascript errors (see below) based on cross-domain scripting, on 1 page of app.

it goes endless retry loop on second message. after leaving overnight, reported half million retries morning!

the fb call being used login:

fb.login(function(response) {   if (response.session) {     // user logged in   } else {     // user cancelled login   } }); 

in firefox , ie9 not these errors. it's specific chrome (maybe webkit). what's odd have second page in app uses fb.login , works in chrome in addition other browsers. read somewhere safari has more stringent requirements on cross domain scripting - , chrome share same code base.

domains, protocols , ports must match (error message) believe satisfied because have page works fb.login call the other difference see between these 2 messages postmessage query argument has different value each (bolded in messages). there 1 iframe constitutes facebook app wonder why 2 different values might used 1 after other. don't mean lead answers focus on item, did want point out.

suggestions welcome might try resolve errors.

chrome javascript console messages:

message 1: unsafe javascript attempt access frame url postmessage %26frame%3d f111baf6f4 %26result%3d%2522xxresulttokenxx%2522&perms=publish_stream%2coffline_access&return_session=1&sdk=joey&session_version=3 frame url domains, protocols , ports must match.

message 2: unsafe javascript attempt access frame url postmessage %26frame%3d fcd3637bc %26result%3d%2522xxresulttokenxx%2522&perms=publish_stream%2coffline_access&return_session=1&sdk=joey&session_version=3 frame url domains, protocols , ports must match.

i ran issue getloginstatus() not being called in chrome. tried calling on page load , after user-initiated action no success.

it turned out not cross-domain issue. call being blocked un-passwordise extension in chrome. disabled extension, worked perfectly, on page load.

more info issue here: fb.getloginstatus never fires callback function in facebook's javascript sdk


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