java - How to resolve com.ibatis.common.xml.NodeletException: Error parsing XML -

i using ibatis orm of application. sqlmapconfig.xml file below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!doctype sqlmapconfig public "-// sql map config 2.0//en" ""> <sqlmapconfig> <sqlmap resource="file:com${file.separator}platysgroup${file.separator}lmexserver${file.separator}mobile${file.separator}dao${file.separator}ibatis{file.separator}lmexusermobileinfo.xml" /> </sqlmapconfig> 

i need use file separator developing using 2 operating system ubuntu , windows xp. when run application show me exception below:

com.ibatis.common.xml.nodeletexception: error parsing xml. cause: java.lang.runtimeexception: error parsing xpath '/sqlmapconfig/sqlmap'. cause: not find resource file:comfile.separatorplatysgroupfile.separatorlmexserverfile.separatormobilefile.separatordaofile.separatoribatis{file.separator}lmexusermobileinfo.xml 

the file lmexusermobileinfo.xml exist in package com.platysgroup.lmex.server.core.dao.ibatis

please me resolve this.

thank you

simply replace ${file.separator} in sqlmapconfig.xml '/' or '.'


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