Html forms to SQL build helper -

is there lib (javascript, python, perl, java) me build html forms, , after submit convert sql language?

i mean if have int field in db, want automatic builf form , int validation , after submiting create sql and filed_name=value. or set field in db build checkboxes , convert sql where myset = 'travel,sports' , on... :)

there potential problems that. first putting in danger of sql injection allowing field content directly added sql command/query. better have use stored procedures or @ least parse through filter/function of kind.

second, every database has it's own quirks, you'd need still adjust auto-build features match database , version using syntax , type. plus else whether bit or boolean should represented checkbox, or yes/no dropdown, or radio button.

by time done you'd happier building database tier can pass information , handle how like.


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