c# - Using 'switch' with strings in resource file -

i have bunch of strings in resource(.resx) file. trying directly use them part of switch statement (see sample code below).

class test {     static void main(string[] args)     {         string case = args[1];         switch(case)         {             case stringresources.cfg_param1: // something1                  break;             case stringresources.cfg_param2: // something2                 break;             case stringresources.cfg_param3: // something3                 break;                           default:                 break;         }     } } 

i looked @ of solutions, of them seem suggest need declare them const string dislike. liked top voted solution question: using collection of strings in switch statement. need make sure enum , strings in resource file tied together. know neat way of doing that.

edit: found this great answer while researching how use action:

you use dictionary<string, action>. put action (a delegate method) each string in dictionary , search it.

var actions = new dictionary<string, action> {     { "string1", () => method1() },     { "string2", () => method2() },     { "string3", () => method3() }, };  action action;  if (actions.trygetvalue(mystring, out action)) {     action(); } else {     // no action found } 

as sidenote, if method1 action or void method1() method (with no parameters , no return value),

    { "string1", (action)method1 }, 


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