vb.net - Having trouble installing SQLite -

what need "system.data.sqlite ado.net 4.0", cannot find in home-page.

so downloaded "precompiled binary (windows) zip archive " here (i think .net 3.5).

now suppose copy sqlite.dll project , add reference.

but reason vs-2010 says "cannnot added . please make sure file accessible, , valid assembly or com component."

i reffering site

you'd need existing sqlite database. create own sqlite databases outside of visual studio, use sqlite admin tool. it's easy use, , if you're familiar sql server management studio , like, you'll easy. design tables, etc, , you'll save file (.s3db).

to give application access sqlite database, download system.data.sqlite @ sourceforge page sqlite ado.net provider. install binaries directory c:\program files (x86)\sqlite.net\bin\. can reference these binaries .net project. system.data.sqlite , system.data.sqlite.linq.

this library easy use in .net project. ado.net provider sqlite database. gives ability use classes sqliteconnection , sqlitecommand.

the original developer's site: http://sqlite.phxsoftware.com/.


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