syntax - Cant assign new enum value to variable -

i have enum defined so:

 public enum direction {     left,     right,     up,     down } 

and following variable in class:

private direction direction; 

in constructor, assign variable:

direction = direction.right; 

then, in method in same class, try assign new enum value:

direction = direction.down; 

but won't let me! keeps going right value thought place gets set in constructor!

what's going on? o_o

edit - more code

    namespace myfirstgame {     public enum direction     {         left,         right,         up,         down     } }  using microsoft.xna.framework; using;  namespace myfirstgame {     public class invader : sprite, imovable     {         private invadertype invadertype { get; set; }         private direction direction;         private vector2 speed;          public invader(texture2d image, vector2 position)             : base(image, position, new point(30, 16), new point(0, 0), new point(2, 0))         {             direction = direction.right;             speed.x += 30;         }          public override void update(gametime gametime, rectangle clientbounds)         {             timesincelastframe += gametime.elapsedgametime.milliseconds;              if (timesincelastframe > millisecondsperframe)             {                 timesincelastframe -= millisecondsperframe;                  ++currentframe.x;                  if (currentframe.x >= sheetsize.x)                 {                     currentframe.x = 0;                 }                  move(direction, clientbounds);             }         }          public void move(direction direction, rectangle clientbounds)         {             if (direction == direction.right)             {                 //is invader 3 px right edge?                 //if yes: drop                 //else keep on truckin' right!                 if (position.x >= (clientbounds.width - (image.width + 3)))                 {                     //position.x = 0;                     position.y += speed.x;                      direction = direction.down;                 }                 else                 {                     position.x += speed.x; //speed                 }             }             else if (direction == direction.down)             {                 speed.x *= -1;                 position.x += speed.x;             }         }     } } 

the method

assuming don't have stale binaries (as pointed out oded)...

set breakpoint on assignment, , make sure executes. then, after assignment (use step over), verify value of direction.

if it's correct @ point, something else causing reset.


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