Looking for an svn -

im looking svn allow moderation (no 1 can see commit until accept it), easy integration existing user / acl scheme.

the users should not allowed comunicate in way without moderation.

is there can use (i have little expirence svns) or have (shiver) write own ?

edit : clarification - want software linux :p

subversion (svn) particular version control system; commits executed against central server.

there "mods" / hacks introduce partial distributed / decentralized versioning (such svk), i'd rather use genuine distributed version control system (dvcs) git or every developer can have separate repository.

in dvcs, have "official" branch particular developers can write (i guess done using pre-commit hooks on primary "authoritative" / "official" server or special mechanisms provided dvcs).

you have guidelines saying developers should check out / fetch authoritative server when starting work on something.

regarding access control, it's hard without more information particular needs, vcs supports access through ssh or web server should make possible use authentication modules available linux or web server.


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