Get Center point in my app android -

in app horizontalscrollview present. consist of linearlayout in it, layout have added number of buttons it.viewflipper present in it. flip layout want move horizontalscrollview respective button should center position. layout(s) , number of button(s) same. 1st layout 1st button should @ center location?

thnx help....

hmm, okay, point out, when first or last position (possibly first + 1, last - 1 well, depending on button size), won't able have in center, can't overscroll horizontalscrollview. in mind, general case (you can handle edge cases -- i'd suggest leaving scrolled far can, , giving selected button sort of highlight) should able this:

displaymetrics metrics = new displaymetrics(); getwindowmanager().getdefaultdisplay().getmetrics(metrics); int screenwidth = metrics.widthpixels;  //get instance of linearlayout, hsv, , viewflipper linearlayout ll = (linearlayout)findviewbyid(; viewflipper vf = (viewflipper)findviewbyid(; horizontalscrollview hsv = (horizontalscrollview)findviewbyid(;  //as you've said, there should equal number of buttons  //views in viewflipper. code assumes true. view v = ll.getchildat(vf.getdisplayedchild());  //assuming smoothscrollto scrolls left side of screen, //which think does, want scroll button's center //point, minus (shifted right) half screen width int scrollto = v.getleft() + (v.getwidth() - screenwidth) / 2);  //handle overflow edge cases  if (scrollto < 0) scrollto = 0; else if (scrollto > hsv.getwidth()) scrollto = hsv.getwidth(); hsv.smoothscrollto(scrollto); 

untested, , i'm prone small syntax errors, general idea may help. :)


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