Do all mysqli PHP functions have mysqli or do some have just mysql? -

i learned there 2 types(?) of mysql functions--mysql , mysqli. on w3schools, mysql functions included in php section if turn mysql function mysqli function, add on 'i' ? instance, function mysql_select_db(), change mysqli_select_db() same function in mysqli version?

if yes, there mysql functions couldn't this?

and finally, there mysqli functions don't have mysql equivalent , there up-to-date list of them anywhere?

the mysqli_* functions provided mysqli php module superset of mysql_* functions. supersede , replace mysql module, though both available on servers compatibility reasons. mysqli stands mysql improved.

in reality, should using pdo new code, not either of these sets of functions.

for information despite this:

re: w3 schools, please have read of site. quite correct lot of things, including poor php tutorials @ w3 schools. the php documention @ comprehensive, date , in cases good.


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