copy file from a previous version in the svn repository -

i trying copy deleted file previous version svn repository working directory.

i know file present in revision rxxx , because svn log -v , can see old revision number associated file.

i svn info find repository name in case of form svn+ssh://repository

i svn copy -r xxx svn+ssh://repository name/filename ./filename

but complains svn: file not found

by default when specify url of file in repository, svn assumes you're referring object in head. command means:

  1. locate 'filename' in head
  2. trace history of file revision xxx
  3. copy file looked then, current directory

of course, fails @ first step since file no longer exists in head. need explicitly reference object used called filename in revision xxx, using what's known "peg revision":

svn copy -r xxx svn+ssh://repository/filename@xxx ./filename 

the svn book has a more in-depth explanation of peg revisions, if you're feeling brave...


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