c++ - How to detect if mouse click is legit or automated? -

how know if mouse click simulated or not? when mouse click send program or real mouse device

... i'm programming system detection game avoid bots, autoclicks,etc accept legit mouse clicks

this depends bit on kind of application writing, if can, watch cursor movement, not clicks. human mouse movement has non-uniform speeds, reaction times, imprecisions (clicks on different coordinates of buttons, etc...).

also, can defend gui against bots randomly requiring interaction hard script. example: if scripts depend upon buttons being in same position, make sure that, while trying remain intuitive, dialog should pop in different positions every time.

otherwise: there no way detect if mouse real 1 or simulated one. windows hid/macos/linux driver layer abstracts away distinction between mice, trackpens, trackballs, draw-pads, touch screens... , of course script-mice...


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