objective c - Does an ArrayController's Selection Persist Across Tabs? -

i have 2 arraycontrollers in interface builder bound 2 sets of core data entities. 2 entities have parent/child relationship. have nstableview bound parent entities' arraycontroller on first tab of nstabview. second tab of nstabview has nstableview bound child entities' arraycontroller. child arraycontroller's content set bound parent arraycontroller controller key: selection , model key path: <name of child relationship>

what i'm trying allow user select entity list of parents, switch tabs , work list of children.

what's happening if start app empty storedata file, can add parents, cannot add children. if add parents, restart app, can add children. list of children, however, doesn't seem filtered parent selected on first tab.

the way can explain behavior if arraycontroller's selection not persisting across tabs, case? there else i'm missing?

it's possible. i've never done myself, sounds need experiment , see. if nothing else setting nstabviewdelegate http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/cocoa/conceptual/tabview/tasks/usingtabviewdelegate.html , asking controller selected object before , after tab view item selected.

i curious myself , looked through documentation myself, doesn't appear describe happens views when being selected.


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