jsf 2 - How to pass the node value as the attribute in Composite Component in JSF 2.0 -

i developing jsf 2.0 composite component. trying create box component required html set attribute.

some thing like..

<composite:interface>     <composite:attribute name="value" /> </composite:interface> <composite:implementation>     <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="100%">         <tr>             <td></td>             <td>#{cc.attrs.value}</td>             <td></td>         </tr>     </table> </composite:implementation> 

when want use component , pass required html attribute "value", so:


the "hello" not taken attribute value. how can make node value attribute value.?

you aren't passing tag attribute. passing child in tag body. in case need use <composite:insertchildren /> insert it. so, instead of


you should doing

<td><composite:insertchildren /></td> 

or if actually want use #{cc.attrs.value}, should defining real tag attribute beginning on instead of tag body:

<somedir:boxcomp value="hello" /> 


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