iphone - I am making a calendar app, how can I get each event to show up in different sizes depending on the length of the event? -

so every calendar app out there have ever used lets add events schedule, , see color rectangle shows event title, , sized depending on length. if event runs 1:00-1:45, rectangle takes 3/4 of hour slot.

using eventkit, , eventkitui, have realized making events going quite easy, wondering next step, graphically making events visible user.

i plan on using simple uitableview day view, when add event, how go representing graphically? looking ideas on implementation here. don't know how this. matter of making custom label , adding top of selected cell?

i realizing programming partly problem of knowing how something, , other knowing do. @ point, struggling part, because think if had direction, in code no problem.

any ideas?

check out.


i played sample code , threw watch on on github because liked did. calendar functions, maybe can ideas flowing.


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