Flex PHP Login System Not Working Correctly -

i wrote login system using flex , php, odd reason php echos both "true" , "false". ideas why happening?

<?php echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"; //include("connect.php");   // used connection database.  $username = strip_tags($_post['username']); $password = strip_tags($_post['password']);  // temp username , password until hooked database. $strdetails[0] = "dennis"; $strdetails[1] = "test";  // database work here (grab user) /*<!-- $query = "select username,password users username='$username' , password='$password'";  while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {  // have not tested yet.     if ($row['username'] == $username && $row['password'] == md5($password))    // if don't want encryption take off md5         echo "<login>true</login>";     else         echo "<login>false</login>"; }--> */  // temp until hooked database. if ($username == $strdetails[0] && $password == $strdetails[1])     echo "<login>true</login>"; else     echo "<login>false</login>"; 


i had similar problem several months ago. reason 1 of loops wasn't parsing correctly.

can try changing temp login validation to:

// temp until hooked database. if (($username == $strdetails[0]) && ($password == $strdetails[1])) {     echo "<login>true</login>"; } else {     echo "<login>false</login>"; } 

let me know how on, if doesn't fix i'll dig old troublesome script.


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