Cannot register activity to open email attachments on Android -

i've been working on update shopping assistant, shopping list management application , trying create functionality email shopping lists nothing json encoded text files contain shopping list created application different user has application installed. when email received, , 1 tries preview/open attachment, shopping assistant app should presented option open attachment. however, no matter intent filers have tried, doesn't work. can't app called when attachment previewed. true created custom mime type called application/sal (sal extension give file attachment) , added intent filter manifest file looks this:

       <intent-filter>             <action android:name="android.intent.action.action_view" />             <category android:name="android.intent.category.default" />             <data android:mimetype="application/sal" />         </intent-filter> 

but no success. i've tried use text/xml mime type in email , in filter (file content remaining same), , got dialog choosing between file viewer , app, still shopping assistant didn't show in list.

i've been reading examples , questions on subject stackoverflow , other forums, , none of examples helped, suggestions particular conundrum highly appreciated.

thanks, mihai

it true created custom mime type called application/sal

no email client knows this, , hence not used sender. means not received on device.

<action android:name="android.intent.action.action_view" />

remove action_ value.


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