C#: Appending *contents* of one text file to another text file -

there no other way this, there way append contents of 1 text file text file, while clearing first after move?

the way know use reader , writer, seems inefficient large files...


no, don't think there's this.

if 2 files use same encoding , don't need verify they're valid, can treat them binary files, e.g.

using (stream input = file.openread("file1.txt")) using (stream output = new filestream("file2.txt", filemode.append,                                       fileaccess.write, fileshare.none)) {     input.copyto(output); // using .net 4 } file.delete("file1.txt"); 

note if file1.txt contains byte order mark, should skip past first avoid having in middle of file2.txt.

if you're not using .net 4 can write own equivalent of stream.copyto... extension method make hand-over seamless:

public static class streamextensions {     public static void copyto(this stream input, stream output)     {         if (input == null)         {             throw new argumentnullexception("input");         }         if (output == null)         {             throw new argumentnullexception("output");         }         byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];         int bytesread;         while ((bytesread = input.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length)) > 0)         {             output.write(buffer, 0, bytesread);         }     } } 


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