c# 4.0 - Where predicate and Expression<Func<T, bool>> -

i have line of code returns index of particular object in ilist<t>

int index = list.indexof(list.where(x => x.code == searchvalue).firstordefault()); 

and have similar construction on many places, searches collections on different properties. goal automate this, can have generic method myclass<t>

int index = myclass.find<t>(x=> x.code == searchvalue); 


int index = myclass.find<t>(x => x.name.toupper().startswith(searchvalue.toupper())); 

is possible lambda expressions?


for asking same, here code working:

public int find(func<t, bool> whereclause) {     return _list.indexof(_list.where<t>(whereclause).firstordefault<t>()); } 

i'm not sure why think need use expression tree. assuming list list<t>, should able use findindex:

int index = list.findindex(x => x.code == searchvalue); 

if that's not need, please give more information types involved are.


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