ruby on rails 3 - How do I render partial via ajax in rails3 and jQuery -

i sth in rails 2:

def show_rec_horses   rec_horses = horses.find(:all)   page["allhorses"].replace_html :partial => "horses/recommended", :locals =>   {:rec_horses => rec_horses} end 

how do in rails3 jquery. how can replace html of div partial via ajax call(link_to :remote => true) in rails3.

i tried sth (in show_rec_horses.js.erb):

$("#interactioncontainer").update("<%= escape_javascript(render("horses/recommended"))%>"); 

and nothing happens. tried other variations none worked. doing wrong? should approached in other way? answer appreciated.

okay, let's start controller.

def show_rec_horses   @rec_horses = horses.find(:all)    respond_to |format|     format.html # show_rec_horses.html.erb     format.js   # show_rec_horses.js.erb   end end 

this make sure correct templates being rendered either html request or javascript request. if need respond javascript request, delete html part.

now let's have page containing following:

<p><%= link_to 'show horses', show_rec_horses_path, remote: true %></p>  <div id="interactioncontainer"></div> 

clicking link make request show_rec_horses action in controller, action render javascript file show_rec_horses.js.erb.

this javascript file should contain this:

$('#interactioncontainer').html('<%=j render partial: 'horses/reccommended', locals: { rec_horses: @rec_horses } %>') 

now container filled content of horses/_reccommended.html.erb, example contain:

<% rec_horses.all.each |rec_horse| %>   <p><%= %></p> <% end %> 


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