.net - C# code understanding and learning -

i learning c# diving it. , got stopped. have code below has menu item, acquire. runs acquire fine when select it. want run acquire application loaded / started.

where make necessary change?

using system; using system.drawing; using system.collections; using system.componentmodel; using system.windows.forms; using system.data; using system.io; using system.runtime.interopservices;  using wialib; // namespace of imported wia scripting com component  namespace wia {     /// <summary> mainform wia sample </summary>     public class mainform : system.windows.forms.form     {         private system.windows.forms.mainmenu mainmenu;         private system.windows.forms.menuitem menutopfile;         private system.windows.forms.menuitem menufileacquire;         private system.windows.forms.menuitem menufilesaveas;         private system.windows.forms.menuitem menufilesep1;         private system.windows.forms.menuitem menufileexit;         private system.windows.forms.picturebox picturebox;         private icontainer components;          public mainform()         {             //             // required windows form designer support             //              initializecomponent();          }          /// <summary>         /// clean resources being used.         /// </summary>         protected override void dispose( bool disposing )         {             if( disposing )             {                 disposeimage();                  if (components != null)                 {                     components.dispose();                 }             }             base.dispose( disposing );         }          #region windows form designer generated code         /// <summary>         /// required method designer support - not modify         /// contents of method code editor.         /// </summary>         private void initializecomponent()         {             this.components = new system.componentmodel.container();             system.componentmodel.componentresourcemanager resources = new system.componentmodel.componentresourcemanager(typeof(mainform));             this.mainmenu = new system.windows.forms.mainmenu(this.components);             this.menutopfile = new system.windows.forms.menuitem();             this.menufileacquire = new system.windows.forms.menuitem();             this.menufilesaveas = new system.windows.forms.menuitem();             this.menufilesep1 = new system.windows.forms.menuitem();             this.menufileexit = new system.windows.forms.menuitem();             this.picturebox = new system.windows.forms.picturebox();             ((system.componentmodel.isupportinitialize)(this.picturebox)).begininit();             this.suspendlayout();             //             // mainmenu             //             this.mainmenu.menuitems.addrange(new system.windows.forms.menuitem[] {             this.menutopfile});             //             // menutopfile             //             this.menutopfile.index = 0;             this.menutopfile.menuitems.addrange(new system.windows.forms.menuitem[] {             this.menufileacquire,             this.menufilesaveas,             this.menufilesep1,             this.menufileexit});             this.menutopfile.text = "&file";             //             // menufileacquire             //             this.menufileacquire.index = 0;             this.menufileacquire.text = "acquire...";             this.menufileacquire.click += new system.eventhandler(this.menufileacquire_click);             //             // menufilesaveas             //             this.menufilesaveas.enabled = false;             this.menufilesaveas.index = 1;             this.menufilesaveas.text = "save &as...";             this.menufilesaveas.click += new system.eventhandler(this.menufilesaveas_click);             //             // menufilesep1             //             this.menufilesep1.index = 2;             this.menufilesep1.text = "-";             //             // menufileexit             //             this.menufileexit.index = 3;             this.menufileexit.text = "e&xit";             this.menufileexit.click += new system.eventhandler(this.menufileexit_click);             //             // picturebox             //             this.picturebox.location = new system.drawing.point(8, 8);             this.picturebox.name = "picturebox";             this.picturebox.size = new system.drawing.size(488, 357);             this.picturebox.sizemode = system.windows.forms.pictureboxsizemode.autosize;             this.picturebox.tabindex = 0;             this.picturebox.tabstop = false;             //             // mainform             //             this.autoscalebasesize = new system.drawing.size(5, 13);             this.autoscroll = true;             this.backcolor = system.drawing.systemcolors.window;             this.clientsize = new system.drawing.size(520, 377);             this.controls.add(this.picturebox);             this.icon = ((system.drawing.icon)(resources.getobject("$this.icon")));             this.menu = this.mainmenu;             this.minimumsize = new system.drawing.size(256, 256);             this.name = "mainform";             this.text = "scanning device";             ((system.componentmodel.isupportinitialize)(this.picturebox)).endinit();             this.resumelayout(false);             this.performlayout();          }         #endregion          /// <summary> main entry point application. </summary>         [stathread]         static void main()         {             application.run(new mainform());         }          private void menufileexit_click( object sender, system.eventargs e )         {             close();         }          private void menufileacquire_click( object sender, system.eventargs e )         {             wiaclass        wiamanager    = null;        // wia manager com object             collectionclass    wiadevs        = null;        // wia devices collection com object             itemclass        wiaroot        = null;        // wia root device com object             collectionclass    wiapics        = null;        // wia collection com object             itemclass        wiaitem        = null;        // wia image com object              try {                 wiamanager = new wiaclass();        // create com instance of wia manager                  wiadevs = wiamanager.devices collectionclass;            // call wia.devices devices                 if( (wiadevs == null) || (wiadevs.count == 0) )                 {                     messagebox.show( this, "no wia devices found!", "wia", messageboxbuttons.ok, messageboxicon.stop );                     application.exit();                     return;                 }                  object selectusingui = system.reflection.missing.value;            // = nothing                 wiaroot = (itemclass) wiamanager.create( ref selectusingui );    // let user select device                 if( wiaroot == null )                                            // nothing                     return;                  // call shows common wia dialog let user select picture:                 wiapics = wiaroot.getitemsfromui( wiaflag.singleimage, wiaintent.imagetypecolor ) collectionclass;                 if( wiapics == null )                     return;                  bool takefirst = true;                        // sample uses 1 single picture                 foreach( object wiaobj in wiapics )            // enumerate pictures user selected                 {                     if( takefirst )                     {                         disposeimage();                        // remove previous picture                         wiaitem = (itemclass) marshal.createwrapperoftype( wiaobj, typeof(itemclass) );                         imagefilename = path.gettempfilename();                // create temporary file image                         cursor.current = cursors.waitcursor;                // take time                         this.refresh();                         wiaitem.transfer( imagefilename, false );            // transfer picture our temporary file                         picturebox.image = image.fromfile( imagefilename );    // create image instance file                         menufilesaveas.enabled = true;                        // enable "save as" menu entry                         takefirst = false;                                    // first , 1 done.                     }                     marshal.releasecomobject( wiaobj );                    // release enumerated com object                 }             }             catch( exception ee ) {                 messagebox.show( this, "acquire wia imaging failed\r\n" + ee.message, "wia", messageboxbuttons.ok, messageboxicon.stop );                 application.exit();             }             {                 if( wiaitem != null )                     marshal.releasecomobject( wiaitem );        // release wia image com object                 if( wiapics != null )                     marshal.releasecomobject( wiapics );        // release wia collection com object                 if( wiaroot != null )                     marshal.releasecomobject( wiaroot );        // release wia root device com object                 if( wiadevs != null )                     marshal.releasecomobject( wiadevs );        // release wia devices collection com object                 if( wiamanager != null )                     marshal.releasecomobject( wiamanager );        // release wia manager com object                 cursor.current = cursors.default;                // restore cursor             }         }              /// <summary> user selected menu entry save image. </summary>         private void menufilesaveas_click( object sender, system.eventargs e )         {             if( picturebox.image == null )                // no bitmap exists                 return;              savefiledialog sd = new savefiledialog();             sd.title = "save image as...";             sd.filename = "temp.bmp";             sd.filter = "bitmap file (*.bmp)|*.bmp";    // bmp bitmap file format             if( sd.showdialog() != dialogresult.ok )                 return;              picturebox.image.save( sd.filename );        // save file         }          /// <summary> remove image screen, dispose object , delete temporary file. </summary>         private void disposeimage()         {             menufilesaveas.enabled = false;                // disable "save as" menu entry             image oldimg = picturebox.image;             picturebox.image = null;                    // empty picture box             if( oldimg != null )                 oldimg.dispose();                        // dispose old image (free memory, unlock file)              if( imagefilename != null ) {                // try delete temporary image file                 try {                     file.delete( imagefilename );                 }                 catch( exception )                 { }             }         }          /// <summary> temporary image file. </summary>         private string imagefilename;     } } 

probably best place to wire form_load event handler, , there.


  1. move code out of menufileacquire_click method defined private void acquire

  2. call acquire menufileacquire_click

  3. using visual studio, add event handler handle form's loaded event.

  4. within method (most called mainform_loaded), call acquire

that way, same functionality called both acquire method, method triggered when form first loaded.


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