java - Learning to use OOP documentation -

i'm learning android , java.

i find i'm having difficulty in using documentation. gibberish. there tips , tricks on how use oop documentations?

so far i've used following documentations without difficulty before:

php, jquery, codeigniter

i find difficulty in following documentations:

yii, android

are there techniques in reading oop documentations?

this isn't specific object oriented programming, you've encountered difference between tutorial , reference.

a tutorial shows how use product or application. reference shows of features of product or application. tutorial looks @ product or application outside. reference looks @ product or application inside.

when you're first learning something, android or yii, need tutorial. later, after have experience product or application, reference more understandable. know more how pieces of product or application fit together.

unfortunately, come across tutorial assumes product or application knowledge. in open source world.


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