iphone - Configuration Apple's HTTP Live Streaming with Apache + PHP on MAC machine -

i tried live video , vod streaming on iphone, have configured http live server apache + php on mac machine. ffmpeg command line tool on mac system.

first tried video on demand (vod) below steps,

  1. i have encoded input video (.mp4) using ffmpeg tool mpef2 (.ts)
  2. using mediastreamsegmenter command line tool, create index file (.m3u8) , segmentation

when above step 2, not working, can suggest me followed steps correct or correct me if wrong.

second, live video stream

recording video on iphone camera , receiving cfsampebufferref on delegate method. how should send above mentioned buffer (iphone) server (apache + php) in format , how should read in server , best communication method, whether socket or ftp or other methods?

thanks in advance,


could more specific error? not load video? crashes? little info programatic problem, encoding 1 or apache.

start using mediastreamvalidator in mac , check if video part correct. if fine, try accessing m3u8 file browser. if showing problem should in app itself.


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