windows - Best practice for storing cross domain web service access credentials? -

i'm working on application connect various remote servers using web service retrieve status information ( windows ) machines.

it works within single domain can use windows authentication , ensure user calling services has correct credentials. if working across domains not going work- we're going need store set of credentials user requisite rights on application side.

is there standard way of storing credentials these purposes, kind of central password store in windows or handy built in library provide kind of functionality? if not, best approach keeping passwords on central machine safe , make sure remote machine credentials available when services need called?

i expect application installed on 1 of windows server operating systems- 2003 or 2008 - if makes difference available.

i suggest have @ "windows identity foundation". may overkill you, or prerequisite may not match, it's anyway worth reading instructive in terms of claims based architecture microsoft technology.

the 2 principal white papers developers are:


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