Why won't Apache 2.1.7 in WAMP log PHP errors to the PHP error log? -

i have wamp installed , decided use default apache 2.1.7 in latest version of wamp; reason host server site uses 2.1.7. previously, using apache 2.2.11 in wamp, because last host used version.

the problem have seem have debugger on or when php error it's shown in image below , error not logged php error log though it's enabled, etc. in php.ini. when switch earlier apache version, errors logged in php error log.

so must apache. want php log errors php error log used do. why happening , how can change it?

i don't mind way error displayed helps anyway, because can see better, still log php error log well.

here's php error looks since switching apache version in wamp;

here's image:

enter image description here

i managed sort it. re-enable php error logging again following:

  1. left click on wamp icon in task bar
  2. then move mouse on php >
  3. then go down , click on php.ini
  4. now for:

;error_log = "c:/wamp/logs/php_error.log"

(note location may different on computer , not same mine.) remove ; start of line , save php.ini , restart wamp services.

to make errors in php , remove orange box in php.ini file for:

zend_extension = "c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.3.5/zend_ext/php_xdebug-2.1.0-5.3-vc6.dll"

and add ; start of line , restart wamp. wamp normal again.

it seems new wamp disables php file error logging , instead logs php errors in apache error log. not sure if did previously, either way, solved problem.


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