vb.net - using Search Server 2010 Express web service results are returning .aspx pages instead of documents -

i have search web reference (from search server 2010 express install) in vb.net application utilizing queryservice class search production sharepoint foundation 2010 site.

at previous point in time, had created proof of concept on entirely test system has since been turfed. recollection on test system when documents uploaded specific site content type (that inherits document) , metadata provided, search specific metadata making managed properties each, , search results returned documents (with isdocument flag set true). viewing document became simple, use filename , path display stored file.

now developing production system , have encountered new behavior, these results returned aspx results such as

http://digitizaton/company/client documents/forms/dispform.aspx?id=1703 

this of course makes terribly difficult locate , view document, can extract title give name of file no extension, hardly helps, fileextension data aspx, not documents file extension, don't have full filename. display page returned result, prefer document itself.

i've made test document library, bare bones setup, (not using site content type, or site columns) , uploaded documents on same site, , returned in same fashion, don't believe document library, or content type issue.

with limited understanding of both sharepoint , search server, don't know if setup issue search service itself, site configuration, or querypacket sending. have third party application (knowledgelake) installed on server ties sharepoint have changed configuration somewhere well?

i don't think query packet has changed since working in proof of concept, other custom data column names. provide here in case there glaringly obvious external reader.

<querypacket xmlns='urn:microsoft.search.query.document'>"   <query>     <supportedformats>         <format>urn:microsoft.search.response</format>     </supportedformats>     <range>      <count>0</count>     </range>    <context>       <querytext type='mssqlft'>        select filename, title, fileextension, isdocument, path scope() ""scope"" = 'department1' , customdata = 'x' --        </querytext>     </context> 

any guidance incredibly appreciated. if have not provided relevant information, please let me know , can track down.

thanks everyone

so feel idiot, i've searched hours no luck, , literally seconds after composing post, find nugget of gold i've been searching for.

it appears our primary file type, pdf, has known issue sharepoint 2010, shown @ following site.


and further that, registry entry setting required link together



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