json - Spring3 REST Web Services with Jackson JSONViews -

i got plain spring3 web project set , have controller method this:

@requestmapping(method = requestmethod.get, value = "/book/{id}", headers = "accept=application/json,application/xml") public @responsebody book getbook(@pathvariable final string id) {     logger.warn("id=" + id);     return new book("12345", new date(), "sven haiges"); } 

it returns new book object transformed json or xml because of transformers setup in spring config:

<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.annotationmethodhandleradapter">     <property name="messageconverters">         <list>             <ref bean="jsonconverter" />             <ref bean="marshallingconverter" />         </list>     </property> </bean> 

json generation (and xml) works, able define multiple views data. example i'd specify detailed view less properties in exposed json/xml , detailed view full set of properties.

using jackson's objectmapper possible this:

 objectmapper.writevalueusingview(out, beaninstance, viewspublic.class); 

is there way can configure spring use specific view (detailed/summary)? way achieve right use different dtos returned controller methods.


if need level of control, need yourself.

so rather using @responsebody, instead use own objectmapper write response manually, e.g.

private final objectmapper objectmapper = new objectmapper();  @requestmapping(method = requestmethod.get, value = "/book/{id}", headers = "accept=application/json,application/xml") public void getbook(@pathvariable final string id, httpservletresponse httpresponse) {     logger.warn("id=" + id);     book book = new book("12345", new date(), "sven haiges");     objectmapper.writevalueusingview(httpresponse.getwriter(), book, viewspublic.class); } 

by way, writevalueusingview deprecated in current version of json (see javadoc).


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