java - Getting GAE Entity by Key -

i've been trying entity gae datastore key, of type key. here's code i'm using retrieve key:

strid = myvideo.getkey().tostring(); 

the type of myvideo entity. value myvideo.getkey().tostring() method returns "video(121)". here's code tries retrieve entity via entity's key:

entity video = ds.get(key); 

the following exception gets thrown when trying retrieve entity datastore:

no entity found matching key: video("video(121)")

is there way encoded key object of type entity?

the various ways convert between keys , strings documented in app engine docs here. in short, string version of key, want this:

string employeekeystr = keyfactory.keytostring(employeekey); 

to convert key can fetch ds.get(), should this:

key employeekey = keyfactory.stringtokey(employeekeystr); 

the string version you're fetching .tostring() human readable version of key, not intended passed around machine-readable identifier.

of course, if intending pass keys around code, there's no need convert them strings @ all. conversely, if want use them external identifiers, want read rest of linked section, discusses ancestors, ids , names; of time when want pass identifiers around, name or id alone suffice, , shorter , more readable full key.


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