Import MySQL MyISAM into SQL Server -

caveat: have 0 experience mysql.

i've been given series of files data conversion , migrate provided data sql server 2008. files are:

  • *.myd
  • *.myi
  • *.frm

these file types, understand it, myisam. believe if had running mysql instance, migrating sql server straightforward. could either use sql server's import wizard or microsoft sql server migration assistant mysql v1.0. unfortunately, these files i'm stuck -- don't have access original mysql instance.

i don't presently have mysql running instance locally , i'm not sure if there compatibility issues files have.

can attach them mysql 5.5 goal of performing sqldump or perhaps use either tool mentioned above? missing better way?

yes, can attach them mysql 5.5. can dump tables using mysqldump (be aware need either modify dump , remove mysql-specific stuff dump, or customize mysqldump output - check mysqldump documentation details). can try link mysql instance sql server, , copy tables using select ... [sql_server_table_name] [mysql_table_name]. in case, hardest part migrate stored procedures/triggers. mysql , sql server have quite different syntax them, cannot automate process.
also, forgot mention have modify mysql auto_increment columns identity([next_auto_increment_value],1) sql server.


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