c# - Service to ASP.NET Communication -

a little background... have .net webpage communicates 1 way service. (using oncustomcommand()) when user presses button, function called. , dandy, when function done executing need able send message, function call, or communication .net webpage.

is there way service call function, send message or update .net webpage?

i've looked around , seen .net -> service nothing seems go other way.

edit: windows service, , asp page , windowsservice reside on same server.

have service write output common area... such shared file, or database. refresh webpage , have query file response output.

support more 1 user should have have session id used determine output saved. example, call command line parameter guid this:

 echo test > c:\some directory\session12345.txt 

and have aspx page query , refresh using http://example.com/getoutput.aspx?session=12345

from there use asp access file appended sessionid in url.

you can extend concept work jquery , wcf needed. of course, need add security prevent mitm attacks. sounds small project not connected internet features may not important.


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