c# - Different version of ReportViewer component in the same application -

in company have application should run @ 2 different sites different database configuration. @ 1 site have sql server 2008 r2, @ other 1 sql server 2005; cannot upgrade sql server 2005 until next yer. application has no problem access different db, have problem reports hosted report server.

with sql server 2005 have use 8.0 version of reportviewer dll, while sql server 2008 have use 10.0.

is there anyway manage both versions of component in same visual sutdio solution/project , choose runtime version should loaded? if it's not possible, have alternatives in mind? (obviously 2 project not option)

thanks lot!

you dynamically load assembly

dynamically loading assembly @ runtime

base on in config file chooses.

i think can put in config file determines @ runtime assembly use, i'e never used , don't know there.


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