android - How to convert an image from URL to Drawable -

i'm having problem converting image drawable object. i'm converting image using:

public drawable loadimagefromweboperations(string url) {     try {         inputstream = (inputstream)new url(url).getcontent();         drawable d = drawable.createfromstream(is, "src name");         return d;     } catch (exception e) {         system.out.println("exc=" + e);         return null;     } } 

i'm trying put drawable in hashmap , insert listadapter, value of drawable instead of integer , message in logcat

resolveuri failed on bad bitmap uri".

this how put drawable in hashmap:

map.put("cover", string.valueof(     main.this.loadimagefromweboperations(""))); 

why expect drawable integer? object can assign imageview.

there items in project can refer id, true, else.

r.drawable.icon not drawable, in same sense r.view.your_button not button. call getviewfromid() on that. if have function works this:


then not work (pseudocode ofcourse)

 myview = new button();  dosomethingwithview(myview); 

so if function works, highly unlikely works drawable (except overloading ofcourse).


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