android - The application has stopped unexpectedly: How to Debug? -

please note, unlike many other questions having subject title "application has stopped unexpectedly", not asking troubleshooting particular problem.

rather, asking outline of best strategy android/eclipse/java rookie tackle formidable task of digesting huge amounts of information in order develop (and debug!) simple android application.

in case, took sample skeleton app sdk, modified slightly , did moment try run it?

the application ( has stopped unexpectedly. please try again.

ok, know have logcat. it's full of timestamped lines staring @ me... do now? need for?

is there way single-step program, find statement makes app crash? (i thought java programs never crash, apparently mistaken)

how place breakpoint?

can recommend android debug tutorial online, other this one?

i'm eclipse/android beginner well, simple debugging process can help...

you set breakpoints in eclipse right-clicking next line want break @ , selecting "toggle breakpoint". there you'll want select "debug" rather standard "run", allow step through , on. use filters provided logcat (referenced in tutorial) can target messages want rather wading through output. (hopefully) go long way in helping make sense of errors.

as other tutorials, searching around few myself, didn't manage find gems yet.


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