Setting particular registry value in Windows 7 with WiX -

the following code works in windows 7 x86, not x64. what's difference , how go setting key? works when install on windows xp having changed feature install on windows xp.

<component id="wallpaperpermw7" guid="{c6427f8f-ce18-4675-9ea4-3292c18c897f}" feature="w7feature">     <registryvalue id="wallpaperregw7" root="hklm" key="software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\authentication\logonui\background" name="oembackground" value="1" type="integer" keypath="yes"> </component> 


thanks yan, can see registry going wow folder now,

but, want install in same path both 64 , 32 bit systems if add win64="yes" attribute won't install on 32 bit systems it?

is there way around not having 2 packages?

i take package 32-bit, , hence on 64-bit systems path specify in "key" attribute of registryvalue element mapped different hive:


instead of


that's why don't see value in place expect be.

in order correct you'll have mark component 64-bit (win64='yes'), mean entire package 64-bit, , result you'll have author pair of packages, 1 32-bit, 1 64-bit... probably, can revise requirements avoid this.


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