rest - Restful Mass-Action -

i'm working on restful-api existing product, , come quite tricky problem: existing application supports several mass actions, i.e. mass-delete or grids mass-setting properties of records. using usual restful-pattern, i`d have send api-call each record, (delete or update), large amounts of records quite slow. wondering, if found solution this, regarding usage existing restful-technology (like extjs restful store). far if come these possible solutions:

  • making restful controllers use reserved parameter ("_requests" or something) array , mapping each item single call internally.
  • using seperate controller each mass-action want. seems cleaner, way more work, both on backend , application using api.

any thoughts?

restful things act on resources, perhaps have uri refer collection (even describing collection if needed), , post delete uri. in restful terms, you're passing collection resource in deleted state uri. so:

delete -> stub/collections/ids=141,159,235,900


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