Problem with running PHP file with the Release of Flex project -


i call php file using httpservice. set result of httpservice function populates testtextarea whatever php file has returned (echoed). work fine when run application flash builder i.e. strings in testtextarea, echoed php file. not work fine when make release of project , testtextarea gets populated whole code of php file.


     private function adduserservicehandler(event:resultevent):void{             testtextarea.text = event.result.tostring(); //this outputs whole php file in textarea if string         }           private function savebuttonclicked():void{             adduserservice.send();         }      ]]> </fx:script>  <fx:declarations>     <mx:httpservice id="adduserservice" url="adduser.php" resultformat="text" method="post" result="adduserservicehandler(event)" >         <mx:request xmlns="">             <firstname>{firstnametextinput.text}</firstname>             <lastname>{lastnametextinput.text}</lastname>             <imagename>{uploadtextinput.text}</imagename>             <adultcontent>{adultcontentradiogroup.selectedvalue}</adultcontent>             <p2p>{p2pradiogroup.selectedvalue}</p2p>             <priority>{priorityradiogroup.selectedvalue}</priority>         </mx:request>     </mx:httpservice> <fx:declarations>    <s:button id="savebutton" includein="adduser" x="313" y="128" label="save" width="187" height="33" click="savebuttonclicked()"/> 

is production server configured serve php files? sounds web server serving php file as text file.

place info.php file on production server (in same directory adduser.php) following contents:

<?php phpinfo(); ?> 

and navigate directly in browser. if see above text as-is, need php working.


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